The secret of the Rosary

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The "Good Father of Montfort", missionary of the common people, tells us of the miracles and conversions obtained by the prayer of the Holy Rosary. He comments in a rich and deep way, but with simplicity, on the Our Father and the Hail Mary.

Ulteriori informazioni

• A white rose for priests
• A red rose for sinners
• A sapling rose for spiritual souls
• A Rosebud for children
under ten:
• The excellence of the Holy Rosary in its origin and name
Second decade:
• The excellence of the Holy Rosary in the prayers that make up the
Third decade:
• The excellence of the Holy Rosary meditation on the life and passion of our Lord Jesus Christ
Fourth decade:
• The excellence of the Holy Rosary in the wonders wrought by God in his favour
Fifth decade:
• How to pray the Rosary
• Appendix I: Rosary of the Virgin Mary
• Appendix II: The Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

  • EAN / ISBN: 9788884040541
  • Pagine: 256
  • Formato: 11x17
  • Anno: 2008
  • Peso: 0.235 Kg
  • Copertina: Copertina semirigida
  • Libri per: Libro di preghiera, Libro per conoscere e meditare
  • Lingua: Inglese

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